Fill allows you to seamlessly extend or alter existing images with your prompts.

Fill’s use cases can be roughly broken down in two categories:

  • Inpainting: Changing a portion of an existing image, such as removing or adding an object.
  • Extending an image: Extending an image outward, this is also sometimes call outpainting, uncropping or “zooming out”.

We will look at how to use Fill for both scenarios.

Inpainting - Modifying an existing image

In this example we will use Fill to add new elements to an existing image. It can also be used to remove or alter existing elements.

Fill is controlled by two inputs:

  • a selection
  • a text prompt

The selection, which you will define using Photoshop’s rectangular Marquee tool (ctrl/⌘ + M), indicates the region of the image you wish to modify. The prompt allows you to guide the generation in a specific direction, you can also decide to not provide any prompt and let Alpaca decide what to generate based on the rest of the image.

Extending an image

It is possible to extend an image by repeating the process describe above in all directions, but that would be pretty cumbersome. For this purpose, Alpaca has a second mode to make this process much faster.

First, extend your document’s canvas to the new desired size (keep in mind Alpaca cannot fill zones more than 2048x2048 in dimension).

Make sure your document’s background is transparent, as only transparent pixels will be filled by Alpaca in this mode!

Extending the canvas with transparency

Next, Under Fill Settings, change the Region to fill settings to Transparency.

Now, whenever you make a selection for fill, only the areas which are transparent will be modified, keeping your image unchanged. You can now select the entire document and click on Generate.
